Soft Capsule
PT. Nova Chemie Utama (NCU) provides contract manufacturing of soft capsule exclusively for the health supplement industry including traditional and non-traditional medicine industry. For more than four decade, NCU has specialized in providing premium quality products in a soft gelatin capsule delivery system.
Product Development
Our soft capsule innovation and product development services bring new ideas to our customers to extend, improve and grow their portfolios.
Product Manufacturing
We are leaders in encapsulation and have expertise in capsule manufacturing, we have an extremely diverse soft capsule product range from simple to complex suspension formulations.
Product Analysis
As a team of experienced supplement contract manufacturers, we make a point of asking you the right questions and learning the right details so that we can help you, as the brand owner, make the best product possible.
Get in Touch
PT. Nova Chemie Utama
Find us at the office
Jl. Suci, Raya Bogor Km.24, Susukan, Ciracas, Jakarta Timur Indonesia - 13750Give us a ring
Customer Service +62.21.8400.784 / +62.21.8411.172 email : [email protected]Mon - Fri, 8:00-16:30