About us
PT. Nova Chemie Utama (NCU) is a pharmaceutical company, specializing in manufacturing soft capsules.
Inaugurated in 1972, our facility is Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified by National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NA-DFC) of the Republic of Indonesia, Halal Assurance System (HAS) certified by The Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI), and Food Safety Management System certified by TuvNord consisting of ISO 22000:2018, FSSC 22000 (Version 5.1).
Our main business is a contract manufacturer (OEM) services for drugs, traditional medicines, or health supplements in soft capsules dosage form.
Completed with appropriate technology in production facilities, we produce high quality products for consumer needs. Our total production capacity is 500 million soft capsules per year, consisting of gelatin-based, and plant-based soft capsules.
Besides manufacturing soft capsules, we also provide product development and product analysis services. Completed with laboratory facilities and experts, we are committed to achieving the best outcomes .

To be Indonesia's leading pharmaceutical company specializing in soft capsule, committing as the best partner to our customers.

We are committed to provide innovative and high quality pharmaceutical products with superior services to our customers.
Company Values


Customer Focus


Company History
- Started soft capsules production as a home industry, with plating method filling machine in Cideng, Central Jakarta.
- Factory inaugurated in Ciracas, East Jakarta. Production capacity was 100.000 soft capsules per shift. Traditional Medicine Industry certified by Health Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Traditional medicine industry certified by Health Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified by National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NA-DFC) of the Republic of Indonesia for drugs.
- Started softgel capsules production using the automated rotary encapsulating machine.
- Production capacity was 200.000 soft capsules per shift.
- Expansion of the factory, the production capacity was increased to 1,000.000 soft capsules per shift.
- Expansion of the factory, the production capacity was increased to 1,300.000 soft capsules per shift.
- GMP Certified by National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NA-DFC) of the Republic of Indonesia for Traditional Medicines
- Halal certified by The Assessment Institute of Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics, the Indonesian Councile of Ulama (LPPOM MUI).
- Food safety management systems certified by TuvNord Consisting of ISO 22000:2018, FSSC 22000 (Version 5.1).